emma story's internet blog (Posts tagged faq)

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Anonymous asked:

I am visiting NYC for a week toward the end of this month. If you could plan a week's worth of theatre / nightlife events, what would you pick? Assume cost is not an issue.

With the option of skipping Cabaret and/or Hedwig for whatever especially good burlesque shows are happening. I can’t tell you what these are, though, since you did not actually specify what dates you are here.

faq nyc new york Anonymous sleep no more

Anonymous asked:

SNM dream cast, go! You may cast anyone who has been in the New York production even if they aren't anymore. You may cast people in roles they have never played.

I have gotten a couple of questions like this over the years and I generally decline to answer them because there’s no way to do it without leaving out tons of people I love. But what the heck. Everyone: you know I love you even if you aren’t on this list.

PS: My birthday is coming up, so please feel free to give me this cast as a birthday present.
  • Macbeth: Paul Zivkovich
  • Lady Macbeth: Tori Sparks
  • Duncan: Sam Meredith
  • Malcolm: William Popp
  • Banquo: Tony Bordonaro
  • Madcuff: Luke Murphy
  • Lady Macduff: Isadora Wolfe
  • Hecate: Careena Melia
  • Sexy Witch: Lily Ockwell
  • Bald Witch: Kelly Bartnik
  • Boy Witch: Nick Bruder
  • Fulton: Ted Johnson
  • Taxidermist: David Botana
  • Speakeasy: Jeff Lyon
  • Agnes: Chelsea Bonosky
  • Nurse Shaw: Marla Phelan
  • Matron: Haylee Nichele
  • Porter: Matty Oaks
  • Danvers: Hope Davis
  • Man in Bar: Nick Atkinson
  • Woman in Bar: Elizabeth Romanski
faq anon Anonymous sleep no more mckittrick the mckittrick hotel punchdrunk

Anonymous asked:

How do you find out about all the cool shit in NYC that you are always going to? I feel like you are out partying every night and I'm sitting at home like, welp, time for video games again I guess

Listen, I spent last night drinking tea and watching pirated episodes of Downton Abbey season 4 from the comfort of my blanket nest, so it’s an error to assume I’m doing shots and rocking out 24/7.

That said, some of the places I find out about events are The Skint, Gemini & ScorpioGoogle Local, and my human friends who invite me to things.

faq anon Anonymous

Anonymous asked:

Top 5 albums ever?

Okay, I’m doing for-me-personally, not in-the-history-of-the-world. Note that this list does not map perfectly to my top 5 bands ever.

  1. Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral
  2. Skinny Puppy - Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse
  3. Tom Waits - Bone Machine
  4. Fleetwood Mac - Rumors
  5. Depeche Mode - Violator

Honorable mentions: 

  • The Smiths - Strangeways, Here We Come
  • Salt-n-Pepa - Very Necessary
  • Ministry - The Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Taste
  • The Protomen - Act II: The Father of Death
  • Andrew Bird - Break It Yourself
faq music anon Anonymous

Anonymous asked:

How do you sleep at night working in advertising? Do you feel bad about being a corporate whore?

I cry myself to sleep every night.


I do actually understand where this question is coming from, and I’m not going to pretend advertising is some holy noble calling. But I spend pretty much every dollar I make supporting art and artists in the city I love. (Ok, maybe supporting bartenders too.) I don’t really feel bad about that at all. Who do you think is funding all those Kickstarters, buying all those $100 tickets, and so on? Mostly soulless corporate whores, just like me.

faq sass anon Anonymous

By request

I was asked to describe my surgery and recovery, so here you go. I had a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, done as an outpatient procedure. The day of the surgery, I arrived at the hospital very early with Tiffany. They had me change into a gown and put my stuff away in a patient locker (since Tiffany had to head to work at some point, and my mom would be arriving from MA to take over surgery buddy duties). Then we spent a couple of hours in the ambulatory surgery area, watching bad morning TV and waiting for my turn in the OR. I also chatted with my surgeon and anesthesiologist, and signed some paperwork.

Eventually the time came, and I headed into the OR, which I remember being very cold. I found it kind of weird that the table was actually crucifix-shaped, but I imagine it makes things easier, so whatever. I was awake for a few minutes in the OR while my surgery team inserted an IV, made sure I was comfortable and in the right position, etc. I remember getting a little panicky when they put an oxygen mask on my face and finished strapping me down, but I was very quickly unconscious after that so it wasn’t a big deal.

I think I had expected to wake up in a dreamy drug haze in the recovery room, as I did after my ERCP. But in fact I woke up still strapped to the table in the OR, in a surprising amount of pain, with my surgeon still standing over me and people talking about me like I wasn’t there. My first thought was that I had woken up while the surgery was still happening, but that was not the case. No lie, this was the suckiest part of the entire gallbladder experience even though it only lasted 10 - 15 minutes. I think I tried making vague noises of distress and pain but was still too groggy to talk, so I just kind of had to wait while they undid the various restraints and got me on a stretcher so I could be moved to the recovery room. Someone noticed I was awake at one point and asked me what my pain level was, and I said “MUHHHHHHH.”

In the recovery room I was granted the privacy of a curtain, a spoon full of ice chips for my intensely dry mouth, and delicious intravenous painkillers that quickly put me in a better mood. My mom and my surgeon both arrived, and I was told that the surgery had gone well and I would be leaving soon. In fact, I was only in the recovery room for perhaps 45 minutes total - they had me get dressed as soon as I could sit up and drink some apple juice. This was intensely painful, even with the drugs, and I regretted not going with my initial instinct to wear pajamas to the hospital. The waistband of my jeans rested on or near three of my four incisions and it was not fun.

At this point I was fairly lightheaded but could walk a little, so my mom took me to my apartment and got me into bed before going out to fill my prescriptions. The drugs controlled the pain quite well but moving was still very painful, so I spent the rest of the day in bed, sipping water and trying to avoid getting up to pee.

This phase of the recovery period lasted maybe three or four days, with each day getting increasingly better. Tiffany came to stay with me during this time and did all my housework and cooking for me, and I am extremely grateful for it because there really just wasn’t much I could do. I lay on the couch or in bed, took my Perococet, and read or watched Netflix. I was advised to stick to clear liquids for the first 24 hours or so, and this wasn’t hard as I had no appetite. After that I started slowly re-introducing bland, low-fat foods and didn’t have significant problems.

The biggest unanticipated problem was that the Percocet completely prevented me from pooping for something like five days. I did not enjoy this at all.

After the first few days, I felt much better. I stopped taking painkillers. I could walk as long as I was careful and slow, and three of my four incisions healed quickly and painlessly. The fourth incision, the one in my navel, caused me pain for about two weeks but is now completely healed, and the other three are just scars. I went back to work exactly a week after surgery, and while it has taken a while to regain my old stamina and energy level, I now feel basically fine and healthy.

health gallbladder surgery faq

Anonymous asked:

How come you never write recaps of SNM?

I did, for a couple of shows early on, when everything was still shiny and new (5, 8, 9, 15). I don’t write them anymore because after 50+ shows it doesn’t seem necessary or interesting. I don’t read other people’s recaps either, unless I have reason to believe I am mentioned in them. The photos I post are enough to remind myself which show was which, but I only really do them for nights that are special or especially memorable.

faq anon Anonymous sleep no more mckittrick the mckittrick hotel punchdrunk